Responsible for complex forms with validation and i18n in React with Material-UI, as well as close collaboration with design teams in Figma. Backend development with Node.js (Fastify, NestJS) and integration of OpenID Connect. Use of AWS (S3, Lambda, CloudFront) and Docker, as well as PostgreSQL for data management. Implementation of logging and monitoring with Datadog. Creation of emails using MJML, adoption of TDD for code quality, and CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions. Worked in agile Scrum teams with Jira, onboarding new team members, and contributing to recruiting.
Professional Experience
Co-founder of a B2B trading platform for liquid dairy products. Responsible for the entire frontend development using React and TypeScript, including the implementation of design specifications. Use of AWS for infrastructure and services, and implementation of CI/CD pipelines with GitLab CI for automated builds and deployments. Integration of the frontend with the backend based on Kotlin and Spring Boot. Use of PostgreSQL for efficient database management and implementation of infrastructure with AWS CDK. Full responsibility for marketplace design and API integration with OpenAPI.
React, TypeScript, AWS S3, AWS Services, PostgreSQL, Gitlab, Kotlin, Spring BootDevelopment and deployment of services in a Kubernetes cluster, migration to Azure Cloud, with a focus on anonymization and pseudonymization of IoT data. Use of Java, Dropwizard, Vavr, Akka, and Drools for backend development. Container orchestration with Kubernetes and Azure Kubernetes Service. Data management with Amazon S3 and Blob Storage, system monitoring with Grafana and ELK Stack. Supplemented by Node.js and Helm Charts for Kubernetes management. Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban), JIRA for project management, and Jenkins for continuous integration.
Azure, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, MicroServices, Kafka, Nats, S3, Blob Storage (Anonymization and Pseudonymization), Java, Dropwizard, Gradle, Node.js, JavaScript, React, MaterializeCSS, GitLab CI/CDValidation of NDS maps for automotive suppliers and creation of reports. Backend development with Java and Maven, deployment on WildFly. The NDS maps supported various versions and were read from SQLite. The frontend started with Vanilla JS and OpenLayers, and was later migrated to Angular. Map quality was partially verified directly on the road. Additionally, transformation of NDS maps to the OpenDRIVE format (XML) for driving simulations. 07/16 - 07/17 Working Student
WildFly, Java, Spring Framework, JavaScript, Angular 2-6, Lodash, jQuery, Primefaces, Java Server Faces (JSF), OpenLayers, OpenDrive, Jenkins, DockerONPEX GmbH is a FinTech company focused on global payment processing. Responsible for the development of the product portfolio, both in the frontend (ExtJS/JavaScript) and the backend (PHP/Java), as well as native Android applications.
Java, Android 2.3.7, Jersey SOAP/REST, PHP/Zend Framework, PostgreSQL, Apache Mesos, Jenkins
Overall average grade: 2.1
Master thesis: Conversion from NDS to OpenDRIVE, grade: 1.9
Bachelor thesis: Automation of a service API, grade: 1.3